
Metal Milk Crate Decorating Ideas

Use crates around your house to keep items stored and even just for decoration in the kitchen. Credit:

4. Crates for Everything

Forget about expensive trays and fancy carrying implements. A simple old wooden crate works just as well to keep all of your belongings in one place. Staying organized in the kitchen can be a pain, so having a simple milk crate, or in this case, a tea crate will make your countertops look organized. Add a few flowers to a milk jug, and it becomes a decor piece that no one is the wiser about in the end. You can get these wooden crates anywhere, and the older they look – the better. You can even order personalized ones for your items.

Add a comfy chair to a corner in your lounge where someone can enjoy relaxing on their own. Credit:

3. The Comfy Chair

Just as you implemented a cozy seating arrangement in the bedroom, you can do the same for your living room. Curling up with a good book can be done just about anywhere. Add a lovely distressed table to keep your coffee mug and add a throw to the chair for extra comfort. Situating all of this by a large window will give you some great natural light to read by, and you can always open the window if things start to get too stuffy. This design can be away from the rest of the lounge set and serve as a place of personal reflection and comfort.

Use an old ladder to create a shelving unit for pictures against a plain and empty wall in your house. Credit:

2. Portraits on Display

A broken ladder serves as an excellent shelf for all of those framed pictures you have lying around. You can choose to display photos of your family, or you can frame random images of things that you like. The rustic table holds a whimsical lamp and an old-timey telephone for that charming aesthetic. A glass vase with some simple white flowers brings it all home by adding some "delicate" to all of this harsh wood.

Add an iron bed frame to your guest bedroom to create the perfect farmhouse feel in the room. Credit:

1. An Iron Bed

If you are looking for other ways to turn your bedroom or guest bedrooms into the most idyllic farmhouse setting, you should use an iron bed frame. This idea may seem like a random bit of industrial design, but it works with this design concept. You can offset the harshness of the metal with wooden pieces around the rest of the room. Alternatively, you can also dress the bed with warm and soft linens to lighten up the metal bed frame. Add other metal elements to the room, such as a chair at the desk.


Metal Milk Crate Decorating Ideas


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